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Notice on convening an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of RESBUD SE as at 23th of May 2022

Z dn. 29.04.2022

Notice on convening an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of RESBUD SE as at 23th of May 2022

legal basis: Estonian Securities Market Act § 1876

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of RESBUD SE (corporate ID code:14617750), registered
address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Järvevana tee 9-40, 11314, Estonia is convened by the
Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 23th of May 2022, (Monday); time – 10:00 (CET)
(registration starts at 09:30). The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take place in company’s registered office.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting with additional documents related to the meeting is attached to this report. Information on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting together with documents related to it was also published on the website of the issuer resbud.pl.

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