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Notice to shareholders concerning the conduct of the Extraordinary General Meeting convened on 23 April 2021

Z dn. 23.04.2021

Notice to shareholders concerning the conduct of the Extraordinary General Meeting convened on 23 April 2021

legal basis – other regulations
The Management Board of Resbud SE, seated in Tallinn, informs that on 23 April 2021 the Extraordinary General Meeting convened on 25 March 2021 was held in company’s branch office in Poland. Information on the convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting was published on the issuer’s website and in the current reports number 6/2021, 7/2021 and 8/2021. During the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 23 April 2021, resolutions 1, 3 and 4 were adopted in accordance with the amended agenda included in report 8/2021. Resolution number 2
regarding determination of the number of members of the Supervisory Board of the Company wasn’t adopted.

The General Meeting elected the auditor in accordance with the proposal contained in the draft resolution number 1, i.e. the Number RT OÜ.

Adopted resolutions were passed by the flowing votes:

  • In favor: 146 492 368 votes, i.e. 100% of the votes represented at the AGM
  • Against: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the AGM
  • Abstained: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the AGM
  • Not voted: 0 votes, i.e. 0% of the votes represented at the AGM

At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 23 April 2021 the following shareholders were present:

  • Alexey Petrov holding a 102 660 820 of shares, representing 43,38% of the votes at the EGM
  • DKW Polska OÜ holding 43 831 548 shares, representing 18,52% of the votes at the EGM.

Shareholders representing 61,91% of the share capital were present at the EGM.

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