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Current report no.7/2022: Registration of the amendments to the Articles of Association and increase of share capital.

Z dn. 10.06.2022

Current report no.7/2022: Registration of the amendments to the Articles of Association and increase of share capital.

legal basis – art. 17 MAR


The Management Board of Resbud SE, registered office in Tallinn, informs that on 10 June 2022 it received information from the Estonian commercial register, concerning the registration of amendments to the Articles of Association and increase of share capital.

This amendment is related to the increase of share capital adopted on 23 May 2022. Information on the increase of share capital is aa update of the information’s provided in current report number 5/2022 of 23 May 2023.

The point 2.1 and 2.4 of the Articles of Association of Resbud SE have changed. The actual wording of the mentioned points is as follows: “2.1 The minimum amount of share capital of the Company is 8 750 000 Euros, and the maximum amount of share capital is 35 000 000 Euros. 2.4. The minimum number of the shares of the Company without nominal value is 72 500 000 shares and the maximum number of the shares of the Company without nominal value is 320 000 000 shares.”. In the attachment to this report, the Company provides  consolidated text od the Articles of Association in Polish, Estonian and English.

At the same time, acting on the basis of Paragraph 187(5) of the Estonian Securities Market Act, the issuer informs, that the share capital of RESBUD SE from 10 June 2022 is 34 704 306 (thirty-four million seven hundred four thousand three hundred and six) Euro. The total number of votes and shares without nominal value as of May 30, 2022 is 315 493 684.


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