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Current report No. 30/2021 – Conclusion of an agreement with a new auditor.

Z dn. 01.12.2021

Current report No. 30/2021 – Conclusion of an agreement with a new auditor.

Conclusion of an agreement with a new auditor.

legal basis – art. 17 MAR

The Management Board of Resub SE with its registered office in Tallin informs, that on 1 December 2021 an agreement was concluded with the new auditor KPMG Baltics OÜ. The new auditor was elected pursuant to the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 12 October 2021, about which the issuer informed in the current report number 27/2021 of the same day.

With reference to the above information, the issuer informs, that the contract with the previous auditor of Number RT OÜ has been terminated. The main reason for terminating the contract with the previous auditor and selecting a new auditor was the acquisition of shares by the issuer in subsidiaries. The agreement with the previous auditor concerned the audit of the separate financial statements. Bearing in mind the need for consolidation, which arose as a result of the acquisition of shares in subsidiaries, established in different jurisdictions, the issuer has elected a new auditor.

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