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Current report No. 28/2021 – Conclusion of a bank guarantee agreement by a subsidiary Energokompliekt OOO.

Z dn. 12.10.2021

Current report No. 28/2021 – Conclusion of a bank guarantee agreement by a subsidiary Energokompliekt OOO.

Conclusion of a bank guarantee agreement by a subsidiary Energokompliekt OOO.

legal basis – art. 17 MAR

The Management Board of RESBUD SE, with registered seat in Tallinn, informs that today it received information from the subsidiary Energokomplyekt OOO about conclusion on 12 October 2021 of a bank guarantee agreement for this company. The bank guarantee agreement was concluded up to the amount of 1,000,000,000 (one billion) rubles, which is approximately 12,050,000 EURO. The bank guarantee received by the subsidiary may be used to secure the contractual relationships entered into by Energokompliekt OOO (it may constitute   performance bond). The other terms and conditions of the contract do not differ from the usual terms of this type of contract.

The estimated value of the concluded agreement given by the issuer in EURO was determined on the basis of the RUB/EURO rate, published by the European Central Bank on 12 October 2021.

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