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Current report no.15/2022: Changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board.

Z dn. 13.09.2022

Current report no.15/2022: Changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board.

The Management Board of RESBUD SE (registration code: 14617750), with its registered office in Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Järvevana tee 9-40, 11314, Estonia, informs that on September 12, 2022 there were changes in the composition of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board.

The Extraordinary General Meeting of September 12, 2022 appointed Mr. Maciej Grabowski and Mr. Sergiusz Pietrosz to the Supervisory Board.

Information on the current composition of the Supervisory Board is attached to this report.

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