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Current Report no. 19/2022 – Information for shareholders on the conduct of the Annual General Meeting convened for November 17, 2022.

Z dn. 18.11.2022

Current Report no. 19/2022 – Information for shareholders on the conduct of the Annual General Meeting convened for November 17, 2022.

legal basis – other regulations


The Management Board of Resbud SE (registration code: 14617750), with its registered seat in Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Järvevana tee 9-40, 11314, informs that on November 17, 2022, an Annual General Meeting convened on October 26, 2022, was held at the registered office of the company’s Polish Branch. Information about the convening of the Annual General Meeting was published on the issuer’s website and in current report No. 18/2022.

During the Annual General Meeting held on November 17, 2022, resolutions numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were adopted in accordance with the agenda indicated in current report No. 18/2022.

The Annual General Meeting approved the consolidated annual report for 2021, passed a resolution to cover the loss for 2021, and approved the Management Board’s report on the activities of RESBUD SE for the 2021 fiscal year, together with granting a discharge to the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board for the performance of their duties. In addition, the Annual General Meeting dismissed the company’s previous auditor, KPMG Baltics OÜ. The new auditor was selected Audit Company INTERFIN Sp. z o.o. with its seat in Cracow (KRS: 0000145852). There was also a change in the composition of the Supervisory Board by appointing a new member of the Supervisory Board in connection with the resignation of Mr. Adam Zaremba.

The Annual General Meeting on November 17, 2022 was attended by 8 shareholders, representing a total of 91.89% of the share capital.

Attached to this report, the Management Board of RESBUD SE provides the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of November 17, 2022.

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