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Current report No. 31/2021 – Partially distribution of profit made by subsidiary of the issuer.

Z dn. 10.12.2021

Current report No. 31/2021 – Partially distribution of profit made by subsidiary of the issuer.

Partially distribution of profit made by subsidiary of the issuer.

legal basis – art. 17 MAR

The Management Board of Resbud SE with its registered office in Tallin informs, that on 10 December 2021 a resolution was adopted by the subsidiary ENERGOKOMPLEKT OOO regarding partial payment of profit (in t form of dividend), generated in the period from 1 January 2021 to 30 September 2021. The amount of RUB 35,000,000 was allocated to the shareholders, which is about EUR 422,000. The total profit of the subsidiary as at 30 September 2021 was 112,008,000 RUB. The decision on the allocation of the remaining part of the profit has not yet been made.

In addition, the issuer’s Management Board informs, that after the end of the financial year 2021 it intends to introduce a dividend policy of RESBUD SE. In the opinion of the Management Board, if the group obtains results that will ensure that investment needs are met, part of the profit generated by the company should be distributed to shareholders of RESBUD SE. Details regarding of the dividend policy will be provided in a separate report and placed on the issuer’s website in the first quarter of 2022.

The estimated value of dividend indicated by the issuer in EURO was determined on the basis of the RUB/EURO rate, published by the European Central Bank on 10 December 2021.

Krzysztof Długosz – President  of the Management Board

Joanna Dyja – Member of the Management Board

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